When tragedy hits so close to home

This post was supposed to be about the twin’s joy-filled 1st birthday celebration. However, in light of the bombings at The Boston Marathon, I am postponing that post. These acts of unspeakable cruelty and hatred just miles from my door have me and everyone I know reeling. I don’t want to mix my happy memories of the twins birthday party with the feelings of grief and overwhelming sadness that this week’s events has brought on us all. I will share the birthday party with you soon, but at a different time.

I feel sadness that so many lives have changed forever on a day that should have been about celebrating the power of human strength and endurance. I do not understand why this sort of tragedy ever happens anywhere, but the proximity to my own home has my mind swimming with unease, sadness and fear. I find it hard to catch my breath listening to the news.

As of this moment I am still hoping that I can still shield Little Guy from all of the details of this event. If I do have to answer any questions, I am not sure how I will manage it. This article on talking to your children about disaster was shared today on Facebook by my children’s pediatrician. I found it helpful, and I hope it might help you too.

What good is a food blog at a time like this? The answer, of course, is none. There is nothing I can say or do to ease the pain of those affected. Right now I am seeking comfort anywhere I can get it. When I am sad or scared, I want comfort food. So, all I can do or say right now is to share some of the food that comforts me.

Recipes from my collection:

Cooking Light Recipes:




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