Watermelon Coconut Sherbet

Watermelon Coconut Milk SherbetI’m giddy about the 4th of July this week. After what seemed to be a never-ending winter, warm weather has smothered us  with a big humid hug, and I’m not complaining. It’s hot, but I’ve got Watermelon Coconut Sherbet to help cool me down. This stuff is really cool. If this doesn’t refresh you then you weren’t hot to start with!

You know what makes me mad? Committing to a big ole watermelon only to get it home and find out that it isn’t a good melon. Either I just don’t know how to pick out a good melon – or it is very hard to find a good one. I’m guessing it’s the latter since I’ve heard others complain about the same thing. You too? Well, don’t throw out the melon – make sherbet out of it.

Everyone that tastes this has the same reaction – it’s refreshing. Very refreshing. It’s summer in a little pink scoop. Everyone loves it too. When I told Squishy Delishy that we were making another batch of it, he ran to the closet and dragged the ice cream maker in by the cord. He can’t say ice cream yet, but it doesn’t stop him from trying to say it – non-stop – it comes out as honey. Miss Magoo and SherbetWhen he saw me pour the the mix into the maker he did a little jig! I have a real soft spot for anyone that is willing to dance because I’m cooking for them. He got to lick the spoon for that one.

Really, by definition this is actually sorbet not sherbet since it is dairy-free, but since coconut milk is such a popular dairy replacement these days I thought it was an accurate description. It certainly has a sherbet like texture and taste. Since watermelon has such a high water content, you really need the full-fat coconut milk to keep ice crystals from forming. Even with the coconut milk, this still freezes pretty hard. I usually move it from the freezer to the fridge for an hour or so before serving it so it will soften up a little. The best texture is semi-soft straight from the ice cream maker! You could – of course – prevent some of those ice crystals by spiking the sherbet with an ounce of rum or vodka. The kids all like this so much that I can’t do that, but you can. This is such a great way to use sub-par watermelon that I actually didn’t mind when the second watermelon was also not super-sweet (maybe it is me). Enjoy!


Celebrate the 4th of July with these recipes from It’s Not Easy Eating Green and Cooking Light:




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